Introducing the Digital Fitting Room

Empower your in-store customers with Digital Fitting Room capabilities that enhance customer experience with self-service options, streamline operations, boost sales by cross-selling and eliminate the need for back-and-forth trips.

Request Alternative Sizes/Colours or Discover New Items

Customers scan barcodes of the items they have brought into the fitting room to check for availability in other sizes / colours, and easily request new items without leaving the fitting room. Alternatively, they can call for assistance.

Scan Barcodes or Leverage RFID

Scan the barcode of a product, or see the item instantly appear on the screen if you use RFID tags, to instantly check available sizes and colours, and see alternative suggestions in that store, other stores, or online.

Scan Barcodes
Request Items to Fitting Room

Eliminate endless trips to the shop floor by allowing customers to request items to be brought to their fitting room by Store Associates.

Request Items to Fitting Room
Search the Endless Aisle

Use simple keyword searches to provide a shortlist of product recommendations and complete looks that can be requested to the fitting room, or are available elsewhere to click & collect or ship-to-home.

Search the Endless Aisle

Should a customer need assistance, a simple tap of the “call for assistance” button alerts the store associates to attend that specific fitting room, allowing staff to spend less time manning the fitting rooms.

Call for Assistance
Scan Barcodes or Leverage RFID

Scan the barcode of a product, or see the item instantly appear on the screen if you use RFID tags, to instantly check available sizes and colours, and see alternative suggestions in that store, other stores, or online.

Request Items to Fitting Room

Eliminate endless trips to the shop floor by allowing customers to request items to be brought to their fitting room by Store Associates.

Search the Endless Aisle

Use simple keyword searches to provide a shortlist of product recommendations and complete looks that can be requested to the fitting room, or are available elsewhere to click & collect or ship-to-home.

Should a customer need assistance, a simple tap of the “call for assistance” button alerts the store associates to attend that specific fitting room, allowing staff to spend less time manning the fitting rooms.

Access Inspirational Selling Content

Drive additional sales by inspiring customers with rich selling content that combines detailed product descriptions, compelling selling points, and cross-sell suggestions to complete the look and increase the basket size.

Rich selling content

Share product descriptions, benefits, key selling points to enhance product discovery. Offer cross-selling recommendations, or highlight special offers to drive incremental sales.

Rich selling content
Alternative suggestions

Save the sale by presenting customers with available alternatives in similar colours, sizes, or styles when their requested products are out of stock.

Alternative suggestions
Inspirational Looks Gallery

Combine complementary items together in looks or bundles, and display these in a gallery to inspire the purchase of bigger baskets instead of single items.

Inspirational Looks Gallery
Customer Interview

Lead customers through a series of engaging, visually-driven questions to present a tailored selection of product recommendations based on their responses.

Customer Interview
Rich selling content

Share product descriptions, benefits, key selling points to enhance product discovery. Offer cross-selling recommendations, or highlight special offers to drive incremental sales.

Alternative suggestions

Save the sale by presenting customers with available alternatives in similar colours, sizes, or styles when their requested products are out of stock.

Inspirational Looks Gallery

Combine complementary items together in looks or bundles, and display these in a gallery to inspire the purchase of bigger baskets instead of single items.

Customer Interview

Lead customers through a series of engaging, visually-driven questions to present a tailored selection of product recommendations based on their responses.

Create & Share Digital Baskets

Create digital baskets to share with store associates or send to customer via email for later purchase.

Create Digital Baskets

Create a digital basket from within the fitting room, whether products are available in-store, online, or mixed.

Create Digital Baskets
Share Baskets Between Devices

Create digital baskets in the fitting room and easily share with a sales associate, send them via email to save these products for later, or open them on your own device for further self-checkout.

Share Baskets Between Devices
Create Digital Baskets

Create a digital basket from within the fitting room, whether products are available in-store, online, or mixed.

Share Baskets Between Devices

Create digital baskets in the fitting room and easily share with a sales associate, send them via email to save these products for later, or open them on your own device for further self-checkout.

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your Stores ?

Contact our team to discuss your needs or get a demo.

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